Lust: I was thinking along the lines of strippers and prostitutes but changed direction a little, thinking that it is probably too obvious. I'm now thinking of using some sort of sex line advertisement. Male or female?
Greed: A magazine cover promoting excess and insisting that you need to buy tonnes of unnecessary things. Could be a fashion magazine or lads/gadgets magazine.
Gluttony: Pretty self explanatory, might need to rethink.
Sloth: I was inititally thinking of an image of a queue of people waiting to collect the dole and then heading from the post office directly into the pub or bookies next door. Possibly a little raw at the moment so another idea I've been playing with is an image of a stoner, hanging out in the living room in the middle of the day.
Pride: This one I had a bit of difficulty with. When thinking of pride, you don't always associate it with sin. I checked several definitions and found the original definition which states that pride is the desire to appear better or more attractive than everyone else. What can someone have, purely as a symbol that they are better than everyone else? On my way home I spotted a hummer; a completely impractical machine. Far too big and cumbersome, not to mention the fact that they cost a fortune to run and are ridiculously bad for the environment. In my opinion, the only reason to own a hummer is to show off how much money you have.
Envy: The desire for another's possession to the point where you want to harm that thing or the person who possesses it. Somebody has keyed the hummer :(
These are just ideas at the moment. Ultimately I would love to use real life examples for the images but I'm not sure how realistic that is.
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