Monday, December 13, 2010


My next step was to try and make an actual stained glass image. I figured (rightly or wrongly?) that it would be pretty difficult to work with real glass so I decided to work with resin instead.
I first drew out the image onto wood and had the individual segments cut out. I fixed them to a board and made a silicone cast of the pieces.

 Once the cast was ready I tested a few of the segments using wax.

It worked pretty well so the next step is to use resin. I made a plan of which segments required what concentration of pigment.
Next I filled the segments sequentially, adding more pigment as I went along to intensify the colour. Unfortunately the reverse of the mold wasn't even so a lot of the resin poured out and what remained in the mold was spread pretty thin so I didn't hold much hope for a successful resin cast.
After removing what segments I could I pieced them together.

 Some pieces cracked, some went missing and some I broke myself but you can get the idea? I really like the effect and there's a lot that could be done with it. I could suspend the pieces from each other and let it rotate like a mobile?

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